
My craft blog was morphing into a book blog. So I started this blog to primarily include book reviews and related challenges in which I participate. I review young adult and adult fiction, but I mention kids books here and there.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Color Me Brown book challenge

This post originally appeared on my craft blog.

I never intended for this to be a book blog, but I love books - I almost wish that I had become a librarian. The books I've reviewed so far have been how to books because I intended this to be a book about things I make.

I just stumbled upon the Color Me Brown book challenge, and it called my name. As a mother of four beautiful daughters, I want them to develop a love of reading. I also want to instill positive self images. So this particular challenge has personal value for me. I'm not yet sure which books I'll be reviewing in August, but I'm looking forward to whatever they will be.